May 9, 2011

Summer Goals

Even though it's exam week, and I shouldn't be thinking about summer, I am.  I can't help it! It's so close, I can smell it!  Only 2 more days of exams and packing up my whole dorm, then home sweet home!  I miss Florida so bad! 

So to help me be a little less homesick this week especially, I've begun to think about what all I'm going to do (well... want to do) this summer.

1. Run. 
My neighborhood has hill after hill after hill, which would be perfect for those extra-calorie-burning runs that I want to start doing.  I want runner's legs.  I haven't really worked out since aerobics the first 8 weeks of the semester, and I'm not feeling beach ready at all!  So my goal this summer is to run at least 3 times a week.

2. Lose (another) 10 pounds.
Last summer I was so proud of myself that I lost 10 pounds all while working full time!  I went to the gym almost every day before work and watched what I ate.  Hopefully all the running I'll be doing will help me lose another 10 pounds. 

3. Decide on a thesis topic.
I am one of those unfortunate few who have to do undergraduate research and write a thesis paper.  Actually, I'm pretty excited about the work I'll be doing on this project because it's pretty cool stuff: medical physics.  I still don't have a specific topic, but I've narrowed down the field to radiation therapy.  My goal is to find a topic that will be of some use to me in grad school and hopefully be significant enough to be used in the improvement of treating cancer! Wish me luck!

4. Be a good big sister.
My little sister is going to be a junior in high school this next year, and I know when I was her age, I wish I had someone to look up to.  I'm definitely looking forward to some sister-bonding time this summer!

I never make New Year's resolutions because I can never stick to them.  My last goal is to stick to these goals!  Ha! 
Shine this week. :)

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